JV «BIZNES CENTR SAMARQAND» (e-mail:, located at the city of Samarkand area Kuksaray 1 informs you of the General Meeting will be  on June 10, 2016 at 15-00 at the city of Samarkand Kuksaray area 1. registration of 14-00 hours.

Date of the shareholders' register of the Company JV «BIZNES CENTR SAMARQAND» for (eligibility) general meeting of shareholders: June 6, 2016.

Date of formation of the register of shareholders of the JV JSC «BIZNES CENTR SAMARQAND» year for the notification of the general meeting of shareholders: 23.05.2016 year/

The agenda includes the following issues:

• Approval of the vote counting commission;

• Adoption of the report of the Director for 2015;

• Approval of the finally auditor's report on financial and economic activities of the Company for 2015;

• Approval of the balance sheet, profit and loss account, distribution of its profits and losses;

• Approval of the Supervisory Board Report for 2015;

Determination of the audit organization and limit the amount of payment for its services in 2016;

• Election of the members of the Audit Commission;

Election of the members of the Supervisory Board.

• Approval of S. Hasanova to the post of Director Society for one year

 Introduction of amendments and additions to the issue prospectus of society and decision-making

• Approval of the Corporate Ethics Code

The materials on issues of the day can be found in the administrative building of the company, located at Samarkand area Kuksaray 1.

Please have passport or other identification